Interview Answers
Monday, February 10th, 2025


Some of the many companies David Drennan has advised



Interview answers

Interview answers

Interview answers

Interview answers

Interview answers

Interview answers


Please note : All logos are the property of their respective companies

Interview Answers

Here are a few tips to bear in mind when answering questions at your next interview.

  • Look straight at the interviewer when giving your answers - it gives the impression you are an open and honest person who has nothing to hide.

  • Speak clearly. Interviewers hate people who mumble or speak so softly they can’t be heard.

  • Stay respectful. Don’t use the interviewer’s first name unless they tell you to. Many can be put off by over-familiarity.

  • Don’t go on too long with an answer however enthusiastic you are. Stick to two minutes maximum.

  • Have a look at your career before you go. Decide what questions you are most likely to be asked and prepare what you think will be good answers.

  • Look at what you think are the vulnerabilities in your career, and decide how you will respond if these questions come up.

  • Practise saying these answers before you go, perhaps in front of a mirror or to members of your family. If the job is important to you, it’s definitely worth a little preparation.

But what questions might you get asked? Well, David Drennan has composed a list of the top 100 questions interviewers are most likely to ask you, so you will know just what to expect. Better than that, he supplies you with great answers to every one. They're all in the book.

Best book on Interviews

During his business career, David has heard the answers given at interview by candidates from front-line jobs to the most senior levels of management, and he knows why some got the job and others didn't. Interview answers from a real expert

Now, as international consultant and Professor of Management, he counts household name companies like those whose logos you see on the left here among his many clients. And it's that kind of high-level knowledge and experience you will find built into this great book. All yours at only $4.99.

But that's not all. Prof. Drennan also shows you what will get you an interview in the first place; what a good résumé should look like (with real examples); what a good application letter looks like; what to prepare for the interview so you are never caught off-guard; how to create a good first impression; how to stay in control during your interview; how to stand out from your competitors; what to do after the interview; and the all-important Do's and Don'ts.

If you're going for an important interview, you may as well get the best advice you can get - and there's no better advice anywhere on the net. Here's how Mike Demaine put it:

“There's so much stuff about interviews available in books and on the web these days, it's difficult to know which to choose. Don't bother looking any further, that's my advice. This is the only book you'll need. ”

Available now at just $4.99.


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